2024 Legislative Agenda

Everyone deserves job security, living wages, and time to care for themselves and their loved ones. We have been successful in creating strong public policies that promote fair work practices like Paid Family and Medical  Leave (PFML), paid sick days, and equal pay, but we could go further to increase equitable access to these programs and policies. This legislative session Washington Work and Family Coalition is working to address inequity in these programs and make improvements to current policies to provide protection for all workers.

Paid Family and Medical Leave improvements (HB 2102/SB 6177):

Changes to existing law would require a maximum timeframe for medical providers to certify PFML requests promptly. Without a medical certification, workers who need extended leave cannot apply for PFML. Sometimes, providers take too long to sign the medical certification, extending the time when a patient can begin to receive their benefits.

Equitable Access to Paid Sick and Safe Time (SB 5793):

 Changes to existing law would expand how family is defined in Washington’s Sick and Safe Days law (PSSD) to be more equitable and align with Washington’s Paid Family and Medical Leave (PFML) policy. In 2021, the state legislature included chosen family in the PFML definition, recognizing that not all families were related by blood or through a legal connection. PSSD needs to be updated to make the same recognition so that all families can participate in caring for their loved ones.

Amending the Washington Equal Pay and Opportunities Act (HB 1905):

This bill strengthens the Equal Pay and Opportunities Act, expanding equal pay and wage discrimination protections to all protected classes.